quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2012

Christmas Song

Following the Christmas spirit ... Here is a typical song  from Alentejo allusive to Christmas: 

'Olhei para o céu', Natal de Elvas

quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2012

Ring-shaped cake - For Christmas

As we are at Christmas here are two Christmas suggestions:

Bolo Rei
Ring-shaped cake made of candied fruits, mainly eaten at Christmas

Source: http://obaudahistoria.blogspot.pt/2012/01/tradicao-do-bolo-rei.html

Bolo Rainha
Ring-shaped cake made of dried fruit (walnuts, pine nuts), mainly eaten at Christmas
Source: http://www.docesregionais.com/bolo-rainha/

terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2012

Christmas Treats from Alentejo

Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151358295073923&set=a.10151358294738923.530563.247568788922&type=1&relevant_count=11&ref=nf

Source: http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10151358294833923&set=a.10151358294738923.530563.247568788922&type=1&theater

Source: http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10151358295043923&set=a.10151358294738923.530563.247568788922&type=1&theater

Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151358295073923&set=a.10151358294738923.530563.247568788922&type=1&relevant_count=11&ref=nf#!/photo.php?fbid=10151358294943923&set=a.10151358294738923.530563.247568788922&type=1&permPage=1

segunda-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2012

The Alentejo in the Financial Times UK

Read the article... Click in the following link: 


Old Costumes of Alentejo

Herdsman - his office was to keep cattle:

Source: http://jardimdeurtigas.blogspot.pt/2009/03/dicionario-alentejano-portugues-c-d.html

Woman Weeder - her office was clear fields of weeds:
Source: http://traje-antigo-alentejo.blogspot.pt/2008/09/pastor-e-ceifeira-do-alentejo.html

Woman Reaper - her office was reaping wheat and other cereals:
Source: http://madrugadasalentejanas.blogspot.pt/2011/05/nao.html 

Woman Reaper - her office was reaping wheat and other cereals:
Source: http://www.olaria-carrilho.com/lojas

quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2012

Raia Alentejo Project

The Raia Alentejo is a project that aims to preserve and promote the Alentejo... the region, the culture, the history, the customs, the prehistoric remains, and other aspect of Alentejo identity.

The project belongs to a dynamic young couple wishing to do more and better for the tourism and economy of the Alentejo.

For more information:
Phone: (00351) 965670853
E-mail: faria100@gmail.com
Blog: http://traveltoalentejoportugal.blogspot.pt/

 Source: http://traveltoalentejoportugal.blogspot.pt/


Regional Choral Group of Portel

Here is another song from the Regional Choral Group of Portel:

Eu Ouvi o Passarinho

Eu ouvi um passarinho,
Às quatro da madrugada,
Cantando lindas cantigas,
À porta da sua amada.
Cantando lindas cantigas,
À porta da sua amada.

Por ouvir cantar tão belo,
A sua amada chorou.
Às quatro da madrugada,
O passarinho cantou.
Às quatro da madrugada,
O passarinho cantou.

Alentejo terra santa,
Tudo é coberto de pão
Traz o ninho na garganta
Lembra de bem a oração.
Traz o ninho na garganta
Lembra de bem a oração.

Eu ouvi um passarinho,
Às quatro da madrugada.
Cantando lindas cantigas,
À porta da sua amada.
Cantando lindas cantigas,
À porta da sua amada.

Por ouvir cantar tão belo,
A sua amada chorou.
Às quatro da madrugada,
O passarinho cantou.
Às quatro da madrugada,
O passarinho cantou.
Às quatro da madrugada,
O passarinho cantou.
Às quatro da madrugada,
O passarinho cantou.

Regional Choral Group of Portel (Alentejo)

Here is a song from the Regional Choral Group of Portel:

Senhora CegonhaSenhora cegonha, como tem passado?
Não há quem a veja
Não vai à igreja
Pousar no telhado.

Senhora cegonha,
No bico um raminho
Anuncia a hora
De se ir embora
Do seu belo ninho

No seu belo ninho
Senhora cegonha
Ponha ovos ponha,
Que seja bem-vinda,
Branquinha tão linda,
Lá vem a cegonha.

Quando chega o Outono
Um bando levanta
Anuncia a hora
De se ir embora
Leva meia branca.

Regional Choral Groups of Alentejo

Alentejo is also known for its polyphonic singing groups.

The Regional Choral Groups of Alentejo is a popular form of expression. There are male groups, female groups and mixed groups. But most groups are predominantly constituted by men.

Some of the most popular Regional Choral Groups of Alentejo:

- Choral Group: "Os Cigarras" de Aljustrel;
- Choral Group: of Viana do Alentejo;
- Choral Group: Cantares de Portel;
- Choral Group: "Os Almocreves" de Amieira;
- Etc.

Source: http://musicatradicional.no.sapo.pt/baixo_alentejo.html
Source: http://www.cm-santiagocacem.pt/Atualidade/galeriamultimedia/Freguesia%20de%20Cercal%20do%20Alentejo/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=9

terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2012

Apiculture in Alentejo

Beekeeping is one of the activities that can be found in the Alentejo region.  

The honey produced in the Alentejo is one of the best - their aroma, flavor and color varies according to the area of blooming, the weather and the type of production.

Honey can be used for various purposes: can be ingested in its pure state; used for making creams and cosmetics; therapeutic treatment; making soaps; beverage production; making sweets, desserts and cakes; etc.

Source: http://produtos-beleza.com/2012/01/27/mel-maos-suaves/

Source: http://www.dicasereceitas.com.br/receitas/mel-maravilha-da-natureza/

Alentejo - Starlight

The Alentejo is a privileged area for stargazing.

There is a project called 'Route Dark Sky', which organizes guided tours for stargazing. The municipalities of Alandroal, Reguengos de Monsaraz, Mourão, Barrancos, Portel e Moura are the regions most related to the project and where we can enjoy it. It is a unique experience, which gives us tranquility, peace of mind and relaxation.

Here we can feel the breeze of the night, the sounds of nature and contemplate a bright sky full of stars.

Source: http://www.descubraportugal.com.pt/edicoes/tdp/registo.asp?idcat=20&id=1553&tipo=a&o=t

Source: http://www.descubraportugal.com.pt/edicoes/tdp/registo.asp?idcat=20&id=1553&tipo=a&o=t

segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2012

Winter in Alentejo

The Winter is very cold in Alentejo (but it never snows), however it's always nice to have a fireplace around:

Source: http://visao.sapo.pt/vinhos-do-alentejo-com-a-chancela-da-sogrape=f644077

Source: http://verdepontoazul.blogspot.pt/2011_02_01_archive.html

Autumn in Alentejo

Autumn in Alentejo is calm, quiet and has magnificent landscapes:

Source: http://olhares.sapo.pt/outono-alentejano-foto3266377.html

Source: http://janela48.blogspot.pt/2009/12/outono-no-alentejo.html

Spring in Alentejo

In Spring the fields of Alentejo are all covered in green and flowers. The climate is mild, pleasant... and great for countryside walks or picnics:

Source: http://www.youtube.com/user/visitalentejo/featured

 Source: http://guerrilha.blogsome.com/2005/05/08/alentejo/

Source: http://vernizrosa.blogs.sapo.pt/tag/alentejo

Summer in Alentejo

In Summer the Alentejo is drier and gold, but equally beautiful:

Field - Source: 

Straw fodder - Source: http://olhares.sapo.pt/alentejo-no-verao-foto2054537.html

Flora of Alentejo

Some of the species that can be found in the Alentejo region:

Cistus flower - Source: 

Rosemary / Rosmaninho - Source: 

Margaça - Source: 

Olive trees - Source:

Olive tree - Source: http://www.cm-vidigueira.pt/descobrir/azeite

Vine / Vineyard - Source: http://www.sograpevinhos.eu/regioes/Alentejo/caracteristicas

Corktree - Source:

Holmoak - Source: 

 Alentejo, Spring - Source:

Alentejo, Spring - Source: http://actividadesebsis.webuda.com/actividades/departamento_matematica_e_ciencias_experimentais/Alentejo_terra_bela/alentejo_index.htm

Alentejo, Spring - Source: 

Alentejo, Spring - Source: http://www.dipity.com/tickr/Flickr_alentejo/

Fauna of Alentejo

Here are some of the species that can be found in the Alentejo region:

Pôpa - Source: http://alentejoterraegente.blogspot.pt/2012/04/flora-do-alentejo-popa.html

Horses - Source: http://alentejoterraegente.blogspot.pt/2012/04/flora-do-alentejpo-cavalo-lusitano.html

Boars - Source: http://biologiaegeologia520.blogspot.pt/2011/05/divulgacao-parque-biologico-da-serra-da.html

Foxes - Source: http://almariada.blogspot.pt/2010/02/raposas.html

Storks - Source: http://www.territoriosinfinitos.com/blog/cegonha-com-filhote/

Partridge - Source: http://www.lifecooler.com/edicoes/lifecoole/desenvRegArtigo.asp?reg=326937

Goldfinch/ Pintassilgo - Source: http://alentejoterraegente.blogspot.pt/2012/04/flora-do-alentejo-pintassilgo.html

Cows - Source: http://www.ocasiao.pt/animais-plantas-jardins/viana-do-alentejo-outros-animais-vacas-limousines-novas-in31392759

Pigs - Source: http://chilra.blogspot.pt/2012/01/matanca-do-porco-na-minha-terra.html

Mocho - Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/faisca/sets/72157600280854909/detail/